Wednesday, March 5, 2014

At home, warm, and feeling better! Also, moving from RPG Maker to Game Maker Studio.

I have one non Adult title that I've gotten a lot more done in Game Maker than anything in the past 5 days... It might just be my personal "click" with the GM, but I'm sure the game will benefit greatly in dev speed by switching. I'd thought about coding an engine of my own but that would take months and be very uninteresting to me. Using GM is easy, fun, and intuitive compared to making that backbone that already exists in many forms. Game Maker studio just happens to be the one of many engines/language GDKs that actually speaks to me. (?)

Aside from having a good built in tile system, it's got some good 2D functionality that is exactly what I was coding in RGSS for the H scenes, something along the lines of joints for sprites. Hopefully things will pick up in the summer, but now I'm trying to get back on my feet. Hopefully some projects generate monies so that I can get to a full-time development schedule rather than looking for dumb part time work where my skills and interests are ignored.

The main problem is that I'll have to take time to make more "programmer art" for temp use. I'm probably  just going to rip off assets from RPG Maker til I can afford or find a really nice artist that will help for free. I'd love to do everything myself but that's not realistic time wise... sound is no problem.

Also, I suppose if you are interested, let me know with a comment? I don't have nearly enough to show to open a crowd-funding type thing, but as soon as I have an alpha and some media to show I think getting on (adult Kickstarter). So please do voice your interest thus far. It'll help give me a boost mentally. 

I have no idea how to ask for money so if you have any ideas...

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